Ethics Bowl Public Speaking Tips

If you have team members who are intimidated by the public speaking aspects of ethics bowl, here are some quick tips in the form of my Three Commandments of Public Speaking.

Kicking off the DC Area HSEB in 2013

Commandment I: Know Thy Material 

Knowing what you’re talking about as a speaker not only improves your content, but your confidence and delivery. Just imagine being asked to give an impromptu lecture on rocket booster o-rings. Right now. Unless you’re a rocket scientist who’s recently lectured on this topic, this would suck.

However, imagine being asked to give a talk two months from now on a topic with which you’re already familiar. Were you to take the time to carefully study it, craft a clear and organized message, and conduct additional background research, you’d a) have much more useful, accurate and informative ideas to share, and b) feel a heck of a lot better about sharing them.

With ethics bowl, knowing what you’re talking about means carefully reading and analyzing the cases, identifying the morally relevant details, drafting and refining a well-supported position, as well as anticipating and being able to respond to objections. It means understanding the nuances of any ethical theories that might be applied, as well as anticipating other takes on the issue, and how you might go about evaluating them. In a nutshell, it means having a breadth of understanding that will facilitate deep analysis on the fly.

Developing this level of mastery for a dozen or more cases can be tough. One strategy is to work up a summary table to help your team organize their thoughts. Click here for an article on doing that via a “case summary matrix.”

Commandment II: Be Thyself

The implicit pressure to adopt the style, mannerisms and tone of the judges (or what your team imagines the judges’ style, mannerisms and tone will be) can be strong, especially if they’re new to applied ethics and ethics bowl.

However, this is both likely to come across as transparently insincere (students are not judges, so why pretend to behave like them?), and to make your team feel a bit slimy.

Encourage them to find and become comfortable speaking in their unique voice, whatever that voice might be. Their “stage self” will be different (a little more polished, a little more formal, but still them) from their “hanging out with friends self,” or their “attending a concert self,” or even their “prepping with the team self.” But if the personalities that shine through are genuine, they’ll be more comfortable and confident, the judges will likely respect them more, and as a coach, their performance will be more likely to make you smile. (Warm smiles of pride are one of the primary perks of being an ethics bowl coach.)

Commandment III: Practice

Last, in order to develop your stage self, and in order to really know what you’re talking about, you have to practice. Your team won’t know exactly what questions will be asked, either by the moderator, the other team, or the judges, and so can’t rehearse responses. But they do know the cases, and they will have general positions sorted out beforehand, and can practice delivering an overview that establishes their mastery of the key details, as well as their general take, which they can customize and elaborate upon per the flow of the bowl.

Rehearsing a 60-second pitch that covers that much will significantly boost their confidence, and will allow them to begin speaking on a strong note. Starting strong will make a nice initial impression, affirming to themselves and everyone in the room that they’ve taken the event seriously.

To give them practice answering questions, simply conduct a mock bowl. How soon to do this during bowl preparation depends on your team’s familiarity with applied ethics, the cases and the bowl process. But there are few better ways to prepare for any event than running through the motions. That’s why actors do dress rehearsals, sports teams scrimmage, boxers spar, and militaries conduct war games. The more mock bowling, the better prepared and comfortable your team will be.

Stage Fright

Last, if you have team members who after carefully studying the material, embracing their stage selves, and rehearsing are still anxious about speaking, click here for a free chapter from my public speaking book on conquering nervousness. My “Urban Honey Badger” assertiveness drill is a little unorthodox. But it works!

For a video overview of my Three Commandments of Public Speaking, check out the below. And if you think your team could use my public speaking book, don’t buy it — just shoot me an email — happy to mail a free copy to any ethics bowl team that would do me the honor of using it. Cheers, Matt

Arguments vs. Opinions

In academic philosophy, an “argument” is a series of claims, called premises, intended to logically support another claim, called the conclusion. Sometimes rather than providing an actual argument, people will simply articulate an unfounded opinion, sometimes emphasizing how strongly they hold it (as if that somehow strengthens its plausibility or gives us objective reason to accept it). 

For example:

“It is my strong belief that abortion is wrong except in cases to save the mother’s life. I have believed this since I was young, and it seems obviously true – something even a child could appreciate. How could a moral person support the killing of an innocent baby? They couldn’t, and anyone who does is clearly evil.”

Contrast that with a similar view backed by an actual argument (and absent the inflammatory language):

“Abortions for reasons other than to save the mother’s life are unethical because the Unborn Developing Human, while not yet fully possessing the capacities of personhood (ability to feel pleasure and pain, ability to engage in relationships, ability to engage in higher reason and use it to develop and execute a life plan) is alive (growing, responding to stimuli) and possesses a genetic code that will enable it to develop into a full person, as well as a fully functioning member of the moral community.”

While the above passages share the same conclusion – that abortions are wrong except when necessary to save the mother’s life – the first doesn’t provide any compelling, rational reasons to support that view. It asks rhetorical questions, explains how long the author has held this view, and calls people who disagree mean names. But it doesn’t offer reasons, logically arranged, to support a conclusion.

The second passage, on the other hand, makes the case that abortions other than to save the life of the mother are immoral because (“because” is a premise indicator) the Unborn Developing Human (or baby/fetus if you prefer) will become a full person, and a full member of the moral community if allowed to grow and develop. Therefore, while aborting a UDH wouldn’t terminate an actualized person, it would terminate a potential person, which this author implies is morally wrong.

They’d do well to further explore why this would be wrong, to concede that UDHs are not actual persons (yet), and to argue why killing a potential person would be so wrong as to override all reasons a pregnant woman might have interest in aborting, beginning with pregnancies that are the result of rape. But we consider this brief argument here simply to show what an actual argument looks like contrasted with an emotionally laden opinion.

To the extent that your team offers arguments rather than mere opinions, you’ll help advance our collective understanding of the issue, and do better in ethics bowl.

2018-2019 NHSEB Case 15: Gun Control

As your team considers case #15, the temptation to cite the 2nd Amendment, Supreme Court rulings, various laws and the like will be strong. Resist! Just because something is legal (or illegal) doesn’t make it moral (or immoral). You’re prepping for an ethics bowl, not a trial. So bring arguments grounded in logic, not legal precedent. But how?

While I usually discourage using the language of rights (too coarse, simplistic), I once argued that people enjoy a human right to keep and bear arms based on our basic interest in personal security combined with the state’s inability to guarantee it. People who only read that conference presentation’s title, “A Human Right to Keep and Bear Arms,” likely concluded I was a gun nut. However, those who attended learned that “arms” didn’t necessarily mean firearms, but simply defensive tools.

The argument went something like this: if humans have an interest in personal safety (and we do), and if no degree of police protection short of solitary confinement can guarantee our safety at all times (and it can’t), then so long as some people are prone to violently attack others (and they are), would-be victims will have an interest in reliable defensive tools – if nothing else, as a last resort. However, if self-defense is all we’re after, there’s little reason to think those tools have to be guns.

taser shotgun shell
Possible non-lethal solution: self-contained taser in a shotgun shell?

How about pepper sprays, or some new (even nastier, even more caustic) chemical propellant? Sprays wouldn’t work when it’s windy, or when you’re attacked in the sauna. So how about stun guns – handheld high voltage zapper thingies? Or tasers – the police officer’s go-to nonlethal tool – which shoot wire-bound probes and electrocute with the push of a button. Might these tools prove effective at fending off assailants in many circumstances?

Maybe so, but for better or worse, firearms have proven even more effective (a determined attacker might brush off a stun gun zap, but not a 12-gauge slug), can better handle multiple attackers (a taser can only subdue one assailant at a time, but a pistol can repel a dozen or more in trained hands), and are surely a more compelling deterrent. If there’s a chance I might get shocked if I assault someone, I’ll think twice. But if there’s a chance I might get killed, that’s a far more powerful reason to do something more peaceful.

At the same time, the current availability of firearms hasn’t put a stop to violent crime. In fact, in many cases guns unfortunately facilitate and amplify violent crime.

So an important question is whether guns’ heightened effectiveness at stopping and preventing violent crime outweighs the likelihood guns will be used to commit violent crime. Which leads to questions about how firearms might be regulated in ways that would retain their deterring and defensive benefits, but hinder their potential to cause harm. I’m of course considering rate-of-fire and magazine capacity restrictions. Bump stocks were recently banned because they could be easily used by novices to fire semi-auto rifles almost as quickly as fully-auto rifles (though with a severe drop off in accuracy). And some states have limited magazine capacity because while 10 or fewer shots *might* be needed to repel a home invasion, being able to fire 11 or more shots before reloading might primarily be useful to someone only interested in maximizing random innocent deaths.

This leads to another key question: whom, if anyone, should be allowed to own firearms? Everyone over 18? Over 21? Only current and ex-police? Only current and ex-military? Any citizen who’s passed a basic background check? Only those who’ve completed rigorous safety trainings and mental fitness exams? Even violent felons have a fundamental interest in personal security. But how do we balance a person’s interest in protecting themselves against their propensity for harming others?

Then there are questions of concealed carry, open carry, whether it’s legit for employers to prevent employees from keeping legally owned firearms in their personal vehicles on company property, whether citizens should be allowed to carry in establishments that sell alcohol (independent of whether they’re actually consuming alcohol).

Then there are pistol grips and folding stocks and bayonets. And inter-state transport questions, safe storage questions, and questions of civil and criminal liability. If someone steals my gun and commits a crime with it, should I be held liable? Applied ethicist Hugh LaFollette has argued yes, on grounds that this would give people very good reason to securely store their weapons. Want to really give your team an edge? Check out his argument for yourself here.

Lots of questions, none of which have quick and easy answers. Well, quick and easy answers are available, as a quick Google will show. But this is ethics bowl, where the judges aren’t interested in the NRA’s or the Brady Campaign’s talking points. They’re looking for well-thought-out views that directly address the question posed… which your team won’t know until it’s asked… But your team can (and should) develop a general position on firearms regulations which they can then mold at the bowl.

But whatever general direction your team takes the issue, make sure they appreciate, are taking into account, and are prepared to address contrary views. Single-minded hardheadedness may be rewarded in some circles, but ethics bowl is not one of them.

And if the other team brings up the 2nd Amendment, or any law, for that matter, use it as an opportunity to highlight your team’s understanding of the distinction between legality and morality. Ethics bowl is primarily concerned with the latter.

P.S. If you and/or your team finds the firearms terminology intimidating, questions welcome (I’m not an expert, but know more about guns than the average ethics professor).

New HSEB Judge Training Vid

“The cases that the students are discussing present moral issues as they are in real life… complex, ambiguous, controversial, difficult,  and ultimately quite messy. There are often no easy answers.”

Courtesy Dr. Stephen Michelman of the South Carolina High School Ethics Bowl at Wofford College, above and on the Resources page you’ll find a brand new judge training video featuring Parr Center Director of Outreach, UNC teaching assistant professor, longtime ethics bowl enthusiast, and all-around swell guy, Steven Swartzer.

Steve knows his stuff, is especially eloquent in this vid, and the overview he provides and questions he answers would be useful for anyone interested in ethics bowl. So check it out — invaluable info for an aspiring judge, coach, moderator or competitor.

Many thanks to Dr. Michelman  and company for recording, producing and sharing this with the ethics bowl community.

And coaches, if you’re having a hard time getting your team on the same page, take heart. As Steve concedes, “We try to write cases that are designed to elicit disagreement.” 

Oh, and another gem from the Q&A section (especially useful if you’re a new ethics coach with experience in debate), a judge asks how to score teams that change their position after commentary from the opposing team (or during the judges interaction period, for that matter). Steve’s response: “In debate, if you change your mind, I guess you lose… That’s not what happens here, necessarily. It’s actually sometimes a sign of mature moral thinking to say, ‘Oh, you know what? I think that that point was really excellent and I think that it does… seriously call into question at least some part of [our initial view]. So changing their mind is not necessarily a bad thing… Or, on the other side, are they moving too easily to accommodate something that might not be [a quality objection].”

2018-2019 NHSEB Case 6: Fake Followers

What if social media likes, follows and subscribers didn’t reflect a person or thing’s popularity, but their budget?

a real ad from a service apparently based in India

As NHSEB case 6 exposes, social media endorsements can easily be bought online. The motive is simple: the more Twitter followers, Facebook likes and YouTube subscribers, the more credible, trustworthy and cool a person, cause, party, or product appears to be. Nothing succeeds like success, and so it’s much easier to add followers when it appears that you already have followers.

However, paid social media endorsements dilute the value of all social media endorsements. We can see this, and why the practice might be unethical, by analyzing it from the perspective of Kant’s Categorical Imperative.

Kant’s CI sounds fancy (and kinda is), but can be simplified into two basic rules:

  1. Only do stuff you could rationally endorse everyone else doing in similar circumstances
  2. Always treat persons with respect, and never as mere tools

In applying rule #1, also known as Kant’s universalizability test, consider what the result would be if everyone paid people and bots to follow them and like their posts. If everyone did this, then the number of followers, likes or subscribers an account enjoyed would cease to impress.

Having 100k+ YouTube subscribers is only a good indicator that the channel is of high quality (or at least adds value for many people) because we assume the numbers represent actual humans who genuinely endorse and enjoy the videos released there. However, if everyone always paid for YouTube followers, we’d realize a channel’s subscriber count is not an indicator of its quality, and would have to find some other way to decide whether to invest the time to sample its content.

The same would be true for Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram and all social media platforms – followers, likes, subscribers etc. are only impressive because we assume they reflect actual popularity among actual non-paid humans.

Using Kant’s ethics to consider the implications of universalizing the purchase of social media popularity clarifies why doing so would undermine the intent of those who currently do it. When people buy likes, they want to come off as more popular than they actually are. But since they couldn’t endorse everyone doing this (for if everyone did it, they’d get no benefit by doing it themselves), social media influence buying can’t pass Kant’s universalizability test, and is therefore unethical, at least from the perspective of Kantian Ethics. Analyses from other ethical angles may generate a different result.

And by the way, for an ethics video or two, check out my YouTube channel, As far as I know, all 338 subscribers are actual unpaid humans 🙂

2018-2019 IEB Case 15: Day of Absence

The following guest case analysis by DePauw IEB team member, Marko Mavrovic, concerns a controversial practice at Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington.

Evergreen College created the “Day of Absence,” a tradition to emphasize the lack of inclusion of people of color on campus. Students and staff members of color would leave campus for the day to emphasize their importance to the university. In 2017, however, the self-segregation of people of color shifted to an encouraged segregation of white people. The event organizers requested that white members of the university remove themselves from campus for the day. This was to show solidarity with minority students and to dismantle white supremacy by having whites relinquish control of white dominated spaces. Understandably, some were not pleased with this request. One of whom was Professor Bret Weinstein, who wrote in emails that the request was a “show of force” and an “act of exclusion” directed towards white students, something that would promote the opposite of an inclusive university.

Moral Dilemma: There are several moral dilemmas in this case, but the main dilemma is whether the goal of an inclusive campus environment justifies exclusionary, albeit temporary, practices against one race of people. The issue of free speech constitutes another, minor moral dilemma.

Motivations for the 2017 Day of Absence: The case highlights that the request for white members of the university to leave campus was done in part so that whites could relinquish their control of white-dominated spaces. Presumably, an additional motivation or justification for this request was a desire to have white students and faculty endure the feeling of exclusion that many marginalized peoples and ethnic minorities experience during their lifetime.

Day of Absence is not the only means – and may not even be the best means – of achieving the desired end. If the goal is to integrate historically underrepresented people or racial and ethnic minorities into the wider community, it seems a day of segregation is not the best way of achieving that goal. Asking white faculty and students to leave simply because they are white is not the means by which a community is going to become fully integrated.

There are other and possibly better ways of addressing this lack of inclusivity. Why is it important to understand that alternatives exist? Because opponents of Weinstein accused him of racism and being against the efforts to make a more inclusive environment simply because he was protesting the Day of Absence. Weinstein was not protesting the goal, he was protesting this specific way in which was the school sought to achieve the goal. Even the previous incarnation of Evergreen’s Day of Absence seems preferable to the 2017 versions because a group of students willingly removed themselves from campus to illustrate their importance to the university. Asking and encouraging other people – based solely on their skin color – to leave campus is detrimental to that goal.  One example of the numerous alternatives to address the so-called equity gaps would be hold a forum in which historically underrepresented people or racial and ethnic minorities air their grievances and the campus community engages in actual, active dialogue to come to a collaborative solution. Another alternative is a course on historical marginalization, so that students are aware of societal ills of the past and how they inform the present. However, the presence of alternative means does not itself make the Day of Absence impermissible. Such a principle would be hard to defend. One would have to demonstrate that the means work against achieving the desired ends.

The Illogical Nature of the Day of Absence: It may be worth stating the obvious: inclusion by exclusion is logically contradictory. The expressed goal of Evergreen’s Day of Absence is to emphasize the lack of inclusion of people of color and address the “equity gaps” of the school’s community. But it is important to remember that words have meaning. The adjective “inclusive” refers to not excluding any section of society or party involved in something. Asking or encouraging white students to leave campus, as the Day of Absence did in 2017, is an act of exclusion. It is the opposite of inclusion. It is akin to saying Addition by Subtraction. P and not P. While this argument focuses the logic of the linguistics, the contradiction illustrates how asking certain people to leave campus is not a viable way of ensuring all people are integrated on campus.

A Temporary, Not Permanent Measure: One way of responding to concern that the Day of Absence is “an act of exclusion” is to point out this is a temporary and unenforceable measure. It is not a permanent demand of the segregation of white people and people of color. It is rather a demonstration to foster some reflection and create empathy for the “inclusivity” cause. Yet it is more than reasonable to take a principled stance against any act of exclusion based on immutable characteristics of a person, regardless if the act is temporary, unenforceable, or exhibitionist in nature.

Freedom of Speech? While I maintain that freedom of speech is not a main focus of this case, the case does invite further consideration of it. Weinstein expressed his thoughts on the matter and he should be able to do so as he is a member of the university community. Actions that affect the community of which one is a part should allow for opinions of support or disapproval. Just as Weinstein should be permitted to protest the Day of Absence, we believe that the students that disagree with him should be able protest his expressed opinion. But those students should not be violent or prevent him from expressing his opinion, (i.e. threatening him, barricading his office, searching for his personal spaces); doing so would be a limitation of free speech.

— Marko Mavrovic

2018-2019 IEB Case 10: Poverty in Paradise

The following guest analysis is from DePauw University Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl team member, Marko Mavrovic. If you or your team would like to author a guest analysis on either an IEB or NHSEB case, we’d be pleased to share it. Scroll down to review which cases have already been covered, and email matt (at) to confirm the submission details. And thanks for leading the guest analysis charge, Marko!

Credit CNN image

Criminal individuals and corporations utilize the secrecy and fiscal leniency of small island tax haven nations to store their illegally-obtained assets. Some of these assets have been gleaned from developing countries via various means. Given this, the connection between tax haven nations and the further impoverishment of developing countries warrants closer inspection.

What is the Connection? Developing countries receive official development assistance (ODA), which is foreign government aid designed to promote the economic development and welfare of developing countries. Despite receiving an estimated $1.3 trillion in ODA from developed countries in 2012, developing countries saw nearly triple that amount flow out in the same year, indicating that the already impoverished developing countries are losing money. One of many sources of this outflow is unrecorded and usually illegal “capital flight.”

Capital flight refers to when money or assets of its citizens/residents, assets that would be subject to taxes, flows out rapidly from a country. Foreign and domestic corporations that contribute to capital flight use a practice known as “trade misinvoicing” to evade taxes, launder money, and circumvent restrictions on capital. Money laundering refers the process of concealing illicit money by ostensibly “transforming” it into legitimate assets. Often these corporations and individuals house their illicit assets in tax haven countries, such as the British Virgin Islands.

Tax havens are characterized by lax domestic policies and sometimes a lack of transparency. It is asserted that this illegal capital flight would be unable to occur without tax havens.  Tax haven countries, due to their domestic tax policies, may inadvertently be contributing to the massive outflow of money from developing countries and incentivizing financial criminality. Herein lies the main moral dilemma: Due to their indirect but adverse effect on developing countries, tax haven nations may be unethical.

There is nothing inherently morally bad about the existence of countries with lax domestic tax policies. While the criminal corporations and individuals utilize the tax havens for their illicit assets, the tax havens themselves are not criminal nor exclusively used by criminals. It is simply the country exercising their sovereignty over domestic policies. However, these tax havens are portrayed in such way that makes it appear as though they are integral to the illegal capital flight, yet the criminal act has already occurred prior to the assets arrival in whatever bank in Guam, Isle of Man, Bahamas etc. Tax havens are not a necessary feature of the illegal capital flight. If tax havens did not exist, deliberate misreporting of capital would likely still take place. Money laundering would still take place, too. In fact, money laundering occurs within countries when illegal assets are funneled  into legitimate  businesses. Capital flight from developing countries would also still take place as many criminals funnel the assets back into their home country,  too.

There is no direct connection between the continued impoverishment of developing countries and the existence of tax havens. The connection is indirect. Moreover, tax havens do not contribute to the outflow of money from developing countries. Some may argue that tax havens are incentivizing financial criminality, but they are not. They are merely incentivizing the movement of capital to their country by possessing tax rates that comparatively lower that than of the country in which the capital currently resides. Tax haven nations themselves are not moving money from developing countries, they are not mandating debt or interest payments, they are not repatriating back home investments made in developing countries, and they are not “reporting false prices on their trade invoices.” All of these actions are the main contributors to the extremely high capital outflow experienced made by other agents. The attention should instead be placed on those who engage in trade misinvoicing, money laundering, and other illegal activity that is detrimental to the development of developing countries.

Do individuals and corporations have a moral obligation to pay taxes in the country of their citizenship? In many cases, it is not criminals but law-abiding individuals who move their assets to tax havens. In doing so, they fail to contribute to the country of which they are a citizen and the country in which they made their money. Yet it is a rather common occurrence for a citizen of one country to move or spend their money in another country. International tourists do this all of the time! This movement of capital is a product of a more interconnected world in a time where travel is easier and national borders are more permeable to the movement of people and goods. This can and should be taken advantage of on the basis that individuals should have personal financial liberty. But the argument can be made that this “principle” of personal liberty does not outweigh a greater obligation to assist one’s own country (via the payment of taxes), especially if that individual is reaping the benefits of the tax revenue (i.e. infrastructure, education, healthcare, etc.)

Is It morally permissible for tax havens to have such low taxes? As argued above, tax haven nations are simply exercising their sovereignty over domestic affairs when they develop a tax policy. It can be argued, too, that a country’s first and primary obligation is to welfare of their own people. Considerations of the effect of their policies on other nations should only be accounted for after the best interests or desires of the nation are met, if accounted for at all. Many tax havens have democratic regimes, which reinforces, at least ideally, the notion that these tax policies are being developed in the interest of the people.

Ethical Obligations in International Relations: As it pertains to this case, some could argue that there are a few obligations of countries when interacting with other countries. The first is that developed countries have an obligation to assist the development of developing countries. This obligation is due in part because of abundance of resources of developed countries. Another reason is that the stability of developing countries, which likely can only be achieved by the generosity or aid of developed countries, is beneficial to all countries.

The second obligation is to avoid infringing upon the sovereignty of other nations except for in extraordinary circumstances. For example, demanding that a tax haven nation change its tax policy would constitute a violation of a country’s sovereignty. But there are situations in which that infringement may be permissible, such as when country A poses an imminent and real threat to the national security of country B. If the argument can be made that tax havens are directly threatening the national security of a developing country because of their policies, it may be enough to compel tax havens to no longer exist.

— Marko Mavrovic

2018-2019 NHSEB Case 8: Data Violence

According to case #12, software sometimes commits some pretty cringeworthy errors, such as Google tagging photos of African-Americans as gorillas (yikes…), or “airport body scanners flagging transgender bodies as threats” (double yikes…), or translation software replacing intentionally gender-neutral terms with gender-specific terms.

body scan machine, credit AOL

One pragmatic reason for programmers to correct and prevent such mistakes is that if customers can’t trust their software, they’ll buy and use software that they can.

But apart from the financial incentive, there’s also a moral obligation to correct such errors to the extent they cause vulnerable groups undeserved, avoidable harm.

Tagging African-Americas as gorillas triggers our moral radar not only because it’s a gross program error, but because African-Americans are sometimes demeaned as sub-human, and the program mistake exposes and deepens that wound. While one person might laugh it off, another might find it devastating.

In the case of the body scanner flagging a transgender person as a threat, I can only imagine the embarrassment this could cause, especially if the machine set off alarms or otherwise caused a scene. Whether we can fully understand why a person would want to modify their bodies in a gender altering way, basic decency suggests tweaks to the scanners and discreet handling of alarms. Hopefully a transgender person being screened in the name of passenger safety could overlook the inconvenience if it’s carried out tactfully, and especially if software improvements are underway.

And in the case of translation software replacing gender-neutral terms with gender-specific terms, if an author has gone to the trouble to gender neutralize their writing, translation software that misses that nuance would seem not only bad (translations are useful only to the extent they precisely convey author intent), but callous to the plight of people who reject gender assignment. Some people’s dignity turns on not being labeled he or she, and respecting that request seems easy and harmless enough. Even easier and more harmless — respecting the intent of authors who go to the trouble to use gender-neutral language.

Ultimately, appreciating the argument above requires some degree of sensitivity to and empathy with the plight of the impacted groups. As a straight, white male, I can only imagine how these errors could ruin a person’s week. But when I do imagine, I see a transgender teenager, or an elderly black man, or any already vulnerable person suffering an unnecessary, avoidable harm. I think about how a person could feel alienated and discounted already, and how these errors could compound their suffering. If the happiness of persons matters, it seems pretty clear programmers should go to the trouble to root out errors like those mentioned in case #12, and to take steps to prevent them in the first place.

Ethics in a Nutshell: An Intro for Ethics Bowlers Third Edition (now with YouTube lectures)

An October, 2018 revision to my classic primer for ethics bowlers — now updated with video lectures on each of the chapters — is available in PDF on our Resources page and and via direct link here. Used by ethics bowl teams from coast to coast, it’s accessible, concise (only 60 pages), and contains all the philosophical ethics essentials: differences between morality and psychology/legality, how to build and analyze arguments by analogy, the four dominant ethics theories, the (legit, essential) role of our moral intuitions, and much more.

For class and other non-ethics bowl purposes, find the revised and expanded paperback edition at Amazon for less than $10 here. It’s similar to this 3rd ethics bowler edition, with several sections rewritten for clarity and impact, formatted for fewer words per page, lecture notes on each chapter at the end, and with a beautiful cover by ethics bowl supporter and artist, Ashley Addair.

But for ethics bowl-related purposes, the PDF version hosted here at is completely free – my gift to the ethics bowl community. Print it, email it, host it on your team’s website – whatever you like.

Visit for the vids, sample reflection questions, sample syllabi and other resources.

Hoping you and your team find Nutshell useful, and special thanks to all the volunteers who helped improve editions 1 and 2,

2018-2019 NHSEB Case 8: De-Extinction

Case 8 considers whether scientists should bring back extinct species, which could range from tyrannical T-Rexes to docile dodo birds. The techniques aren’t quite there, but are getting better. Should de-extinction experiments continue, and when a breakthrough inevitably occurs, should there be any limits on whether, in which cases or how de-extinction is used?

Mad scientist Justin, who does NOT recommend de-extinction

Here’s some guest analysis from my 10-year-old son, Justin.

“You should not bring back species from the past. As it states in the passage, ‘Many factors brought about the extinction of a given species, why should we intervene artificially to reverse the procedure?’ If you focused on just bringing them back, then it would cause problems such as throwing off the ecosystem. Also, the bucardo was revived, but only for a few seconds. It then died because of organ failure. So the science isn’t very effective.

I believe that they are just spending many thousands of dollars on trying to bring back extinct species. When you would have to bring back two, and if you were very serious about the bucardo being a thriving species, then you would probably have to set up hundreds of facilities all around of America.

So instead you should save the endangered instead of bringing back the extinct. Comment if you agree or disagree and why.”

Thank you, Justin! It sounds like you’re most concerned about resources being spent on something that may or may not work, which might be better spent saving endangered species before they’re gone.

What are your or your team’s thoughts on this case? To comment, click the article title, scroll down towards the bottom, and submit. Justin appreciates and looks forward to your ideas.