Final Call for Ethics Bowl Book Submissions

If you’ve been meaning to submit a write-up for Ethics Bowl to the Rescue! but just haven’t gotten around to it, don’t miss your chance!

Pour a hot cup of Joe, put that pesky smartphone on airplane mode, and shoot me your thoughts on why ethics bowl rocks, your hopes (and fears) for its future, and anything you’re inclined to share.

Leave the fancy writing to me — literary perfection is neither required nor expected. I’ll simply be pulling key quotes and weaving them into the book’s narrative. So you don’t even have to worry about writing a coherent essay — just answer the prompt. Submissions welcome from organizers, coaches, judges, moderators, competitors and simply fans.

Ethics Bowl to the Rescue! Interview Questions – please submit to matt (at) by Oct 31 (shortly thereafter is also OK if you mail me Reese’s Cups):

1) Why were you initially attracted to ethics bowl and why do you continue to support it?

2) What do you see as ethics bowl’s primary benefits?

3) What’s your vision for ethics bowl’s future?

4) Anything extra you’d like to add?

5) What’s your role and how long have you been involved?

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